ART CLASS, 2016 #3

ART class, 2016

Chalk Project

The Grecian urn was a venture into the highlight and shadow
of a 3-dimensional object. I grew to love the urn - 
unlike the blue bicycle
 with whom I endured a very tedious and awkward relationship.
After class ended, we never spoke again.



Acrylic Trees

The one on the right is near a bouquet of my favorite colors.

Trees are personal gems.
Trees to spy, trees to climb, trees to jump down from and swing on.
Trees that reveal the perspective of birds.
Read books, sketch bugs, imagine a fantasy existence -
all while in the presence of a tree.

ART CLASS, 2016 #2

ART class, 2016

Saddle Project

Having been raised on a small farm in northern California, 
I appreciated this horse-themed project!
This particular art class - Visual Language - was my first 
artistic endeavor after a 30-year break from formal education.